U.S. Army's 6th Battalion/14th Artillery Regiment

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The 6/14 Arty is officially open but is still a work in progress. We hope that it will soon take form and someday proudly stand as a testament to the brave men of the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery Regiment.

The 6/14 Arty Link Page













The 6/14

14th FA

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You have seen them on every site you visit, The Links Page.  We will group the sites by different categories based on content just as most other sites. But you may find this one just a little bit different in that it contain a navigation bar to assist you in getting to the type of site you may be interested in.

Just click on a tab and you will be magically transported to the selected site category.
" ooh, aah AMAZING ! "
... well, there's not many listed now but later on you will be amazed... really.

Share with us your favorite sites even if there is not a fitting category in the navigation bar.
We will find a place for it or we will make a new category.

Friday 4-16-2004
"It took far to long to post this one,
but we are now proud to list it as as one of our
"Most Reccomended Sites"

Pinder Kaserne Barracks Yahoo Message Board Group

We are constantly reconnoitering the world wide web for new sites and
this one started by CSM D.R Hamilton is truly first class.
Check below in the Military section for Pinder Kaserne Barracks Yahoo Message Board Group
it's well worth the visit.

Military and Veteran Related Sites

There is "plethora" of them and we will try to post the "Creme de la creme".

The 6/14 Arty is proud to be a member of The Virtual Wall Web Ring

Click above to visit The Virtual Wall website
Click here to visit member sites

The 14th Field Artillery Regiment Association
Website for The 14th Field Artillery Regiment Association
Here is what the new website has to say:
"The purpose of the Association is to constitute an organization to bring together veterans who have served with or who are serving in any unit of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment, any predecessor unit of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment, and any successor units that may be formed from the 14th Field Artillery Regiment."

Brave Cannons
Website for The 1/92nd Field Artillery Association - Vietnam
In their own words:
"This website is provided for 1/92nd Veterans, their family members and friends, Veterans of affiliated units, and to all with interests in the 1/92nd. The purpose of this web site is to:
provide information; promote a common ground; research an accurate history; assist fellow
veterans and their families and to support veterans issues."

Camp Holloway, Army Aviation in the Central Highlands
The above website seems to has moved, but I am not sure.
Try this: Camp Holloway, Army Aviation in the Central Highlands instead.
Author's Statement and Purpose:
     "Prior to creating this web site and publishing these photos there was not a web site designed for Camp Holloway anywhere on the internet.  This web site began in late 1996, then moved to the
present provider in early 1997 before it was submitted to the search engines for listing, and later a guest book and a photo album were added."

I could present a long description of this site but their mission statement says enough.
* Collect and preserve the knowledge, experiences and personal reflections
   of combat veterans of all eras.
* Serve as a centralized repository for information pertaining to combat leadership
   and the profession of arms.
* Promote camaraderie, knowledge sharing and a "teacher-scholar" relationship that spans the
   entire spectrum of American fighting man, from the experienced veteran to the newest recruit.
* Promote combat effectiveness within the U.S. Armed Forces.

Alpha Battery 1/14TH Field Artillery
They have a dedication which states:
"This site dedicated to the men of alpha battery 1/14 artillery who gave all they had every day supporting our brothers in the bush. "

Charlie Battery 1/14th Artillery
This is the Second of two sites for this group of the 1/14th FA
This one says:
"This web site is about a 105 howitzer battery in Vietnam. Charlie Battery 1/14th Artillery was sent to Vietnam on October, 1967 from Fort Hood, Texas. Charlie Battery was a jump battery from September, 1968 until it arrived at LZ Fat City on June, 1969."

Home of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment
Vietnam War, Korean War, both World Wars, and the present day artillery battalions
Here's what they have to say:
"Welcome to over 100 web pages of military information about World War One, World War Two, the Korean War and Vietnam War. You will find extensive information, including photos and history relating to artillery and artillery men."

17th Artillery Regiment
Home of the 17th Artillery Regiment Association
From the Webmaster of the 17th:
"The Association's objective is to find all who served with said unit and to hold yearly reunions at various locations. We wish to preserve and strengthen the friendships and camaraderie that was formed while serving in this outstanding Artillery Unit." 

Persuader 65
Home of C Battery 2nd/17th FA

Pinder Kaserne Barracks Yahoo Message Board Group
The home for the 6/14 FA while in Germany.
This message board was started by CSM D. R. Hamilton, 6/14 Artillery 1st Sgt A Btry, Sep 78-Apr 80, Bn CSM Sep 84-Aug 86. Honorary Regimental SM for the 14th FA.
Pinder Kaserne, Zirndorf, Germany
Home for U.S. Soldiers from 1945 to 1992. Pinder has been revonated to make way for a new era. Now called Pinder Park by the residents of Zirndorf. Willkommen zum pinder kaserne in Deutschland! Ein platz fur US-Armeeveteranen, bewohner Zirndorf's Freunde und Familien.
If you had the honor and pleasure to be a member of any unit stationed there this is a site/message board that you should not miss. People you know are leaving messages and sharing photographs here so drop on by and say hello.

Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Day Foundation
This foundation is responsible for organizing a one-time event in 2003 where we as a nation finally gives our Vietnam Veterans their long overdue "WELCOME HOME"

The United States Army Homepage
This is the official website for the U.S. Army
It is loaded with information for the Army Veteran and a bunch-o-links.

Vietnam Veterans Home Page
The page I like on their site is the Army Lost and Found Listings. It is a constantly updated list
of postings by visitors trying to make contact with an old friend they knew or find information
on the whereabouts of someone/anyone who knew their veteran family member.
You are quite possibly the one who can answer their questions. You can help them.
I have found people who have helped me and I have found old members of the 6/14 looking for anyone who knew them.

The Nam Magazine
Here's what they have to say:

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Veterans Information Sites

We could use some links for this section. If you know of or find some that you have
found beneficial, send them my way

Department of Veterans Affairs
If you are a Veteran then you probably know of this site. But if you do not and you have
questions relating to health benefits and services, compensation and pension benefits,
vocational rehabilitation and employment services, home loan guaranty services,
life insurance programs, educational benefits, etc. this is your starting point.

Disabled American Veterans
Treaties are signed and the battles of nations end, but the personal battles of those disabled in war only begin when the guns fall silent. These men and women must struggle to regain health, reshape lives shattered by disability, learn new trades or professions, and rejoin the civilian world. At each step, they need help to help themselves.

For three quarters of a century now, that aid has come from the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), a nonprofit organization of more than one million veterans disabled during time of war or armed conflict.

Formed in 1920 and chartered by Congress in 1932, the million-member DAV is the official voice of America's service-connected disabled veterans -- a strong, insistent voice that represents all of America's 2.1 million disabled veterans, their families and survivors. Its nationwide network of services -- free of charge to all veterans and members of their families -- is totally supported by membership dues and contributions from the American public. Not a government agency, the DAV's national organization receives no government funds.

Combat-Related Special Compensation
Simply put Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) provides military retirees a monthly compensation that replaces their VA disability offset. This means that qualified military retirees with 20 or more years of service that have "combat related" VA-rated disability will no longer have their military retirement pay reduced by the amount of their VA disability compensation. Instead they will receive both their full military retirement pay and their VA disability compensation.

The 2004 National Defense Authorization Act, Combat Related Special Compensation was expanded to include disabilities incurred as a direct result of:
• Armed Conflict
• Hazardous Duty
• Conditions Simulating War
• An Instrumentality of War

Unlike concurrent receipt, CRSC will not be phased in over ten years. Once a military retiree has been determined to be qualified they will receive their regular retirement pay plus an additional sum based on their VA disability rating.

Find out more about this benefit program for Army Veterans and other service men and women at the Department of Defense website New Retired Benefits Program page and/or lots more information from the U.S. Army Human Resources Command - U.S. Army CRSC Division

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration National Personnel Records Center has provided the following website page for veterans to access their DD-214 online at http://vetrecs.archives.gov
This may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy of his DD-214 for employment purposes. Please see the details below.
Point of contact is Lyn Krout, linda.krout@us.army.mil, DSN 458-1755 or commercial 410-306-1755.
NPRC initiates online records request procedures. The National Personnel Records Center is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files.
Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military members may now use a new online military personnel records system to request documents. Other individuals with a need for documents must still complete the Standard Form 180 which can be downloaded from the online web site. The new web-based application was designed to provide better service on these requests by eliminating the records center's mailroom processing time. Also, because the requester will be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized.
Veterans and next of kin may access this application at http://vetrecs.archives.gov.

Today's Military
Information for parents about today's military careers

VFW Nationaol Service Officers
Help with VA claims - Don't have to be a member

Location of VA Facilities
Nationwide Directory of VA Facilities

National Cemetery Administration
VA National Cemeteries and other burial benefits

Tricare Information
Valuable TriCare info - Keep up to date!

VA Life Insurance Programs
Insurance benefits for Veterans and Service members

State Directors of Veterans Affairs
Listing of State veteran resources

Fisher Houses
A place for the family to stay while veteran receives VA treatment

Are you a veteran looking for a job?  if so, contact
Vet Jobs

You don't have to be a "Jar head" to stay here at fantastic rates
The Marines' Memorial Club and Hotel San Francisco, CA

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Veterans Information Sites

We could use some links for this section. If you know of or find some that you have
found beneficial, send them my way

Department of Veterans Affairs
If you are a Veteran then you probably know of this site. But if you do not and you have
questions relating to health benefits and services, compensation and pension benefits,
vocational rehabilitation and employment services, home loan guaranty services,
life insurance programs, educational benefits, etc. this is your starting point.

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Interesting Sites

National Archives and Records Administration Home Page
NARA is an independent Federal agency that helps preserve our nation's history by overseeing the management of all Federal records. Our mission is to ensure ready access to the essential evidence that documents the rights of American citizens, the actions of Federal officials, and the national experience. We must make it easy for citizens to access this essential evidence regardless of the location of the documentation or of the people using it. We hope that by providing electronic public access to more and more of our records and services, we will better meet your information needs.

Dusty's Poetry Home Page
Poetry written by Dusty - Army Nurse Corps, Republic of Vietnam
If you have never read any of Dusty's work, prepare to be moved... nuff said.

I really don't know what to say exactly... this site is one of the most interesting collections of information on the entire culture of Viet Nam (sic) both past and present and it is all presented in
one of the most aesthetically pleasing and well designed sites I have had the pleasure of
discovering. It does take a while to adjust to the navigation of this site but once you get the
hang of it you will be able to spend hours, and I mean hours, learning just about everything
there is to know about the country that you spent time in. Viet Nam is a most remarkable place.
Here is a quote from the site:
     "Since the inception of Viettouch in 1996, our website has been undergoing a tremendous amount of growth spurts that has led to its current status.
Viet Nam is a multidimensional society with 54 ethnic groups embodying vast cultural, language and musical diversities. True to nature, our entire group couldn't be more diversely passionate and dynamic as far as our backgrounds, philosophical values and approaches. The wonderful common link is that we're all proud of our heritage in our own ways. We're in a unique position as Vietnamese diaspora which helps to further diversify our perspectives on presenting the multifaceted Viet Nam. Our multiculturally influenced views couple with the affection for our heritage have created an exciting and challenging foundation for the Viettouch team and its modus operandi.
     We're enthusiastic about our project whose collaborations span thousands of miles, across countries and national boundaries with the help of technology. We hope you will enjoy your visit to our ever expanding website."

All I can say is you really should take the time to explore this site. If you have ever wondered if you
should return to Viet Nam for a visit, after seeing this site, I don't know how you could resist.

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News Sites

CNN News

The Wire - Breaking News From The Associated Press
This is a very cool news service from the Associated Press.
This is the news Web site of the AP, its member newspapers and broadcasters.
To get the latest news from a particular AP member Web site,
click on the state you desire and then select a member from the pop-up menu list.

ABC News

CBS News


FOX News

Reuters News

BBC News

Drudge Report
And with this site there is no need for any other link.
If you lean to the left or lean to the right, if you are from Vermont or Vivelglehm you will find
a news service or news publication that carries your interests.

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Computer Sites

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Mac Related Sites

Apple Computers
Developers and Manufactures of Apple Computers and Software

Want to peek and poke into the inner workings of your Apple Computer at the code or resource
level or just want to add a little more interests to your GUI Desktop with a new desktop picture?
Then this should be one of your stops. You can learn how to customize your Mac with ResEdit modifications, icons, desktop pictures, and more.

Here's the type of information you will find on MacFixIt:

  • Troubleshooting tips, hints, work-arounds and solutions of any sort.
  • News about documented bugs, conflicts and problems with existing versions of popular software and hardware.
  • Announcements of new and/or updated products (specifically when the product has direct troubleshooting relevance or fixes significant troubleshooting problems with a previous version of the product)
  • Links to other sites that have troubleshooting relevance.
  • Special emphasis on any aspect of Apple's system software, including news and rumors about future developments when appropriate to troubleshooting.
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Weird Sites

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