U.S. Army's 6th Battalion/14th Artillery Regiment

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The 6/14 Arty is officially open but is still a work in progress. We hope that it will soon take form and someday proudly stand as a testament to the brave men of the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery Regiment.

- The 6/14 Arty News Page -













The 6/14

- Saturday 7-10-2004 -

News from Reunion 2004
As you read on the homepage a lot was discussed and decided on in San Antonio during the 2004 Reunion, June 10-13 . It was proposed, motioned, discussed, voted on and passed that there is formed a new and comprehensive association which is now know as:
The 14th Field Artillery Regiment Association
Here is what the new website has to say:

        D.R. (Bob) Hamilton was elected as President of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment association during the reunion 2004 in San Antonio. Elected to the Board along with Hamilton was Charles Maldonado-Vice President, Roy Huff-Treasurer, Barney Rouse-Secretary.
       A constitution and by-laws will be forthcoming to establish the association as a non-profit organization and to ensure continued existence in the future.
        The purpose of the Association is to constitute an organization to bring together veterans who have served with or who are serving in any unit of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment, any predecessor unit of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment, and any successor units that may be formed from the 14th Field Artillery Regiment.
        a. To honor the comrades in arms who have served and to honor those who have sacrificed their lives while serving in any unit of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment.
       b. To preserve and strengthen the comradery that has existed while serving with the 14 Field Artillery Regiment by conducting reunions and other appropriate activities as determined by the membership and board of officers.
        c. To proclaim and publish the traditions, honors and achievements of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment.
        d. To support the soldiers serving in any active duty unit of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment.
        e. To sponsor or provide the membership with other benefits and activities that are normally available to associations and which are consistent with the purpose and objectives listed above.
The establishment of membership dues is necessary to provide funding support of the association. Examples of funding are: mailing & postal fees, purchase of memorabilia, funding of charitable events. Money collected will be maintained by the Treasurer in a banking facility in San Antonio, Texas. Annual montery reports will be published to this website. Upon recommendations of the board of officers, expenditure of funds will be presented to the presdident of the association for approval.

There is a lot more information about the new association and it's website so hump on down the internet a few more "klicks" and visit:
The Website for The 14th Field Artillery Regiment Association

We all hope to see you at one of the great upcoming Reunions!

Here's the gang at the Alamo in 2002, and this wasn't everyone that attended!
Some of the gang had to catch flights home before this photo and a few more over slept.
We had stayed up till 2:00 am the night before sharing stories and photos... Oh Yeah!

Oh! and just in case you missed it before, let me say again... "Wienerschnitzel"

- Wednesday July 9, 2003 -

This is a copy of an e-mail I received June 30th from Rex Weaver and I received a copy of it from Roy Huff yesterday
It reads as follows:

FYI. The National Personnel Records Center has provided the following website for veterans to access their DD-214 online at http://vetrecs.archives.gov
This may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy of his DD-214 for employment purposes. Please see the details below.
Point of contact is Lyn Krout, linda.krout@us.army.mil, DSN 458-1755 or commercial 410-306-1755.
NPRC initiates online records request procedures. The National Personnel Records Center is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files.
Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military members may now use a new online military personnel records system to request documents. Other individuals with a need for documents must still complete the Standard Form 180 which can be downloaded from the online web site. The new web-based application was designed to provide better service on these requests by eliminating the records center's mailroom processing time. Also, because the requester will be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized.
Veterans and next of kin may access this application at http://vetrecs.archives.gov.

- Thank you Rex for this information and thank you Roy for reminding me! -

This page will contain information about any developments in the status of the 6/14, it's members past and present, and if the unit becomes active, we will provide whatever information we can acquire about it's activities.
If you hear of any late breaking news or there is something that you would like to see posted, let us know and we will consider it for posting.
We will also post the date, time, and place about the upcoming reunion as soon as we know the details.

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