U.S. Army's 6th Battalion/14th Artillery Regiment

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The 6/14 Arty is officially open but is still a work in progress. We hope that it will soon take form and someday proudly stand as a testament to the brave men of the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery Regiment.
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The 6/14

" I just got a new 3/4 ton and watch. "  - Nick Hensley -
Nick had just acquired a mud splattered 3/4 ton and a bright shiny new watch when this photo was taken.
So, let's waste no more time and roll on back to 1967-68 and take a tour with Nick and his "Nam".

But wait a minute... Nick got a new 3/4 ton and a new watch so we should get something new too!

Nick sent in so many wonderful photos, let's try out a new way to organize and view a warbonnet brother's gallery, how about a slideshow?!

The motor is running and the time is right, so let's jump on board and ride shotgun with Nick and see his world in 1967-68.

Read the accompanying instructions for navigating/controlling the show. If you have your display monitor set to 800x600 you will have problems seeing the whole page and you will have to continually scroll about to use the slideshow. Go to your screen settings and set your monitor resolution to 1024x768 or higher and your colors to millions... it will look and function beautifully.

Click on Nick's Gallery and fire up his slidshow.

Please let us know if you have any problems with your browser running the slideshow and what you think of this method of photo display.

As always, if you can identify anyone unnamed in his photos please let us know that too.

The Album
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