U.S. Army's 6th Battalion/14th Artillery Regiment

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The 6/14 Arty is officially open but is still a work in progress. We hope that it will soon take form and someday proudly stand as a testament to the brave men of the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery Regiment.

The 6/14 Arty Swag Page













The 6/14

 - Tuesday February 24, 2004 -

Charles Maldonado and Dennis Proulx have fixed it so we all can be at the peak of fashion and flair with the new 14th FA embroidered caps and the "Brand New Sport Shirt"!

I could ramble on for quite a while talking about these fine fashions
but I do that already on the Caps and Sport Shirt Pages.

So waste no more time listening to me, go find out all the lastest on these great items.

Embroidered Sport Cap Embroidered Sport Shirt

Click on the cap or sport shirt images above to find out more!

Tiny Unit Crest
There has been a Challenge Coin minted and it is a "Beauty"!

     You have seen it splashed on every page at the top and along the sides; it's excellent so why not!
The images above are life size, the pin too. ( if your screen resolution is set to 1024x768)
If you would like to have a closer look at them, while you are on this page only,   just click on the images at the top left and right for a larger view of each side; in it's case... and the Unit Crest too.

Speaking of casting metal, our good Brothers Charles Maldonado and Craig Harris have a message for us.

We want to let all 6th/14th association members know that we are going to order up a new batch of our ever popular Challenge Coin and the cutoff deadline for ordering is July 15th, 2003. We need a minimum of 100 coins to fill the order and it will take the mint about 30-60 days to produce.
Coins are $7.50 plus shipping $1.50. Please send us you Name, Address, Number of Coins you would like."
- Charlie & Craig -

This is the last chance to place an order before Reunion 2004! Don't miss this chance to get your paws on one of the most excellent Challenge Coins ever minted by any branch of the armed services.
Click Here to see the front of the coin and Click Here to see the back.

So, don't get short changed, contact Charles Maldonado or Craig Harris to get the right coin today.
Click Here
You really have to hold one of these beauties in your hand to understand just how great they are.

We guarantee that this is one coin you will never want to spend!
Very nice!

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