U.S. Army's 6th Battalion/14th Artillery Regiment

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The 6/14 Arty is officially open but is still a work in progress. We hope that it will soon take form and someday proudly stand as a testament to the brave men of the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery Regiment.

Flashback to Reunion 2002...













The 6/14

Sunday 5-11-2003

Who is that?
Yep, That's what I needed to know.
Well Carleen came to the rescue of my feeble gray matter and filled in the two missing names. I wish she could improve my memory as easily as she improved this list.

This group photo is from our second dinner at the 80+ year old world famous Schlio's Delicatessen (pronounced "She-lows" not "Shy-lows"). We had been chowing down on some great Wiener-schnitzel, world renowned split pea soup with knockwurst, all washed down with some excellent drafts from their extensive selection of "Suds". I really don't know where we put it all. I guess all the talking and flipping through the photo albums all day made us hungry. So hungry that not everyone could get up from their tables in time for this photo.
Heck, just thinking about it makes me hungry... see ya, I'm off to the kitchen.

While I'm gone check out the photo and it's corresponding legend for the "Who's Who" of fine German Dining. ( Heyyyy, where's the Pinder Kaserne bunch? )

1. Walter Matthews   8. Chuck Corey 15. Ken Bailey 22. Bob Lund
2. Reggie Figueroa   9. Richard Schlimme 16. Richard Littler 23. Charles "Mick" Odom
3. Ed Bushik 10. Bill Holmes 17. Loren Lundquist 24. Barney Rouse
4. Alan Feldman 11. Charles Maldonado 18. Ned Elwell 25. Patrick O'Kelly
5. David Cotlow 12. Dennis Proulx 19. Roy Huff 26. Frank DeLong
6. James Pierce 13. John Lamerson 20. Morris Newcomb
7. Robert White 14. Michael Cohrs 21. Walt Smith

Thank's again Carleen, you da' Chum... uhhh Chim... CHAMP!.

Later Brother...

...and yes, this does mean I'm working on Reunion photos, more on the way soon !

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