- Monday 4-4-2005 -
Today the nation recognizes a hero, we recognize a soldier.

Sergeant First Class Paul R. Smith
(Click on image above for more information about this noble soldier)
The 3rd Infantry Division is one of the Army's most-decorated units. Since 1917, this division has suffered some 35,000 wartime casualties. Fifty Marne Soldiers before Sgt. 1st Class Paul Smith have received the nation's highest decoration for valor, the Medal of Honor.
This is the story of one.
The members of the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery Regiment sent their greatest gratitude, honor and respect to Paul's family. Not just for one day, but for a life lived well.

Before you stands a humble nation.
You filled the ranks and took the line for our freedom and democracy. Your dedication and sacrifice have earned our greatest respect and we are eternally grateful.
To all who are now serving this great nation, God speed and thank you.
To all who have served, we thank you.
To those who will serve this great nation, we thank you.
To the family members of our men and women who do serve, have served and soon will, we send our support and sincere thanks.
Your lives and deeds define our nation, your metal gives us strength, your fire lights our way to a brighter future...
we thank you.

I received a letter from Kenneth C. Jones-LTC (Ret) DEARNG, brother of WO Frank W. Jones. Frank served as the eye in the sky for the big 6/14th guns which supported the 173rd Airborne Brigade during the Battle for Hill 875 and the 4th Infantry Division during the Tet offensive.
Kenneth Jones:
"On the morning of Return Day, November 4, 2004, the "Vietnam Veterans of America" Chapter 546 will dedicate a plaque at 10 a.m. on the circle in Georgetown to honor the sacrifice of the 26 Sussex County soldiers who gave their lives serving our country in Vietnam. One of those soldiers was my brother, WO Frank W. Jones.
On November 3, the night before the dedication, we will also honor Frank’s abbreviated life by gathering from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Blue Water Grill in Millsboro. All are welcome, and we extend a special invitation to the recipients of the Frank Jones Memorial Award as well as those who knew and loved him. "
Ken included an very informative enclosure with his touching letter so for those who are not familiar with Frank and his work with the 6/14, I have created a page for it on the website and a link to it on the Stories Page.
Drop by and read "A Tribute to a Soldier" from a loving brother.
Thank you for sharing this Ken, we are so very grateful.

- Everyday from the 6/14 Arty -
To the families of our heros at The World Trade Towers, the Pentagon, Flight 93 and the families of our soldiers of the field, we send our love, honor and respect. On that day three years ago and every day since thousands have given the extra measure... and today others will continue to give.
If you would like to read any updates to the Home Page prior to
9-5-2004 on back, just hop on over to the:
- The 6/14 Arty Home Page Archives -

The 6/14 Arty proudly displays the Military.com Distinguished Military Site Award for 2004
Along with the Australian Gunners Associations Award of Excellence.
These are only two of the recognitions received for 2004 and represent only two of the 700+ awards, commendations and recognitions that have been received in honor of the noble men of the 6th of the 14th through this website.
I direct all of these highly respected awards, commendations and recognitions to the Warbonnets of the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery. Without your generosity and spirit of sharing this website and these awards would not be possible.

"Ex Hoc Signo Victoria"
If you are a family member of someone who was with the 6/14 or a member of another unit and you have information, photos, or memorabilia relating to this fine unit, do not hesitate to contact us and let us know the nature of your information. We at 6/14 Arty recognize the importance and precious nature that these items have to you and to history and your gracious sharing of them for inclusion in this archive would be greatly appreciated. Let us assure you that all documents, photographs, and items that you send us for reproduction will be treated with the greatest respect. Every care and precaution will be taken to protect and preserve the integrity of these items and promptly return them to you.
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If at anytime you find a linking error or you find any information that is incorrect please let me know.