There now are 189 Warbonnets on the list. All Right!
Check out the Forum before you leave.
Lots of new questions and information from some of our new visitors.
- Thursday Afternoon 12-11-2003 -
Reunion Information From Charlie!
The Reunion package with the registration forms and meal selection list are in the mail. We hope you would really consider making "Reunion 2004" (Remember the Alamo). You and your family and friends will have the time of your lives. If we as the host of the Reunion (Roy and I) can help you in anyway please let us know. Remember to mail the registration form & meal menu and checks for the reunion to Roy Huff. On behalf of Roy Huff and myself we would like to wish you and your family a Joyous Holiday Season and will look forward to seeing you at "Reunion 2004" June 10-13, 2004 (San Antonio, TX).
Your Fellow Warbonnet,
Charles (Charlie) Maldonado
- Wednesday Evening 12-3-2003 -
Has it really been another year?
Yes it has, and thanks to all of you it has been great.
It was two years ago on Dec. 3rd that the first page of this website was sent streaming across America and around the world; and around the world it has been.
At that time there was only one page with 10 photographs and a list of 26 members. Since it's humble beginings we have been contacted by an ever increasing number of men who served with this noble unit in Vietnam and in Germany and that list of 26 name has grown to an incredible 173 Warbonnets!
We have even been contacted, when time permits, by Cpt. Brian Gerber who is the Battalion Adjutant of the only Flagged 14th Field Artillery unit, 1-14th FA, Fort Sill Oklahoma. But he's not at Fort Sill... Hell No... he's over at Division Main Fire Support in Baghdad.
Here's a little somethiing from this "Redleg":
Greetings from Baghdad!
"I'm not sure how it would compare to Viet Nam, but there are a lot of crazy people here and we continue to lose soldiers... While most are reforming the government and working on other projects, there are some units with the combat mission of seeking out the enemy and taking them down. That's where the Fire Support comes in. We have a "hot" battery ready for support and even get to play with an AC-130 Gunship. So, life is busy which is good. Days seem to blend together which is also good since we will be here till next May. Hope all is well...
My best to all of you and all other Veterans... what a new found appreciation."
Take care! Will talk to you soon, Brian
I know that all of you out there can understand this new "appreciation" he has acquired. Our best wishes go out to you and your family Brian. Kick some butt, take some names, help those when you can and then get yourself back home Brother.
So Brothers, before you leave check out the list for all the new members and get in touch with them. You don't have to have known them then, you can get to know them now. Heck man, they're your Brothers. Stop by the Forum too, there may be a question or two that someone has that only you can answer.

That wraps it for now but I do sincerely thank each and every one of you. Your gracious help, abundant information and endless support over the past two years has made all of this possible and enriched my life beyond expression.
Thanks guys...
- Happy 2nd Anniversary to all of you and The 6/14 Arty -
BTW... Don't forget to check out the update for 11-27-03 below, there is some news from Charlie about the up coming Reunion 2004. Oh Yeah!
- Thursday Afternoon 11-27-2003 -
Happy Thanksgiving To All
What a great day. Good food, family, food, friends, more food, football...
and a little more food. I'm stuffed just thinking about it.
But the incredible aroma of the turkey roasting, vegetables steaming and the pies baking are keeping my stomach a'rumblin; I'm sure I'll find room.
The 6/14 Arty gang wishes all of you good cheer on this day of thanksgiving and remembrance and sends all veterans of all wars, at home and abroad,
a sincere and heartfelt...
- Happy Thanksgiving -
Reunion Update Notice!
Subject: Reunion Hotel Reservations
Fellow Warbonnets,
When making reservations for the Reunion 2004 you must call Woodfield Suites (San Antonio) and ask for the 6th Battalion 14th Artillery Reunion Discount Rate in order to receive it and to help us complete our 30 room obligation.
The hotel phone number is: 877-211-0103.
Thanks and I'll see you there!
- Charles Maldonado -
So you didn't make it to the Reunion last year and you really wanted to get one of the excellent posters commemorating the event?
Well I think I can help you out Brother. I kept 10 of them just for those who were not able to make it and now I'm releasing them. Click on over to the Reunion Poster Page and read all about it.

Here's the gang at the Alamo last year, and this wasn't everyone that attended!
Some of the gang had to catch flights home before this photo and a few more over slept.
We had stayed up till 2:00 am the night before sharing stories and photos... Oh Yeah!
Oh! and just in case you missed it before, let me say again... "Wienerschnitzel"
- Thursday September 11, 2003 -
The 6/14 Arty Will Never Forget

Their struggle, their strength... their moment of magnificence.
Photo courtesy Clifton Bazar
- Sunday July 20, 2003 -
Charles Maldonado and Dennis Proulx have fixed it so we all can be at the peak of fashion and flair with the new 14th FA embroidered caps!
I could ramble on for quite a while talking about these fine "Lids" but I do that already on the New Caps Page. So waste no more of your time and get your head shaded from the Sun with one of these excellent caps.
Click on the cap above to find out how more!
- Wednesday July 9, 2003 -
Click on over to the News Page and read an e-mail I received June 30th from Rex Weaver which may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy of his or her DD-214 for employment purposes.
I received a copy of the email from Roy Huff yesterday which reminded me...
tell the 6/14 guys about it.
Friday 7-4-2003
Happy Birthday to U,
Happy Birthday to U,
Happy Birthday U.S.A.
Happy Birthday to U
Thursday Afternoon 7-3-2003
Get your sea legs on and get ready to dig yourself a fox hole...
because it's 1965 again and we are going on a trip with Bob Lund aboard the troop carrier Gordon, then onward to the Catecka Tea Plantation but not for a soothing cup of tea. Brother Bob Lund has put together some memories of his trip over on the Gordon in 1965 and later at Catecka just two days before the now well known Ia Drang Valley events as read in the book and seen in the movie "We Were Soldiers Once".
Stop by the Stories Page and read Okinawa to Catecka: Some Memories - by Bob Lund

For those of you that have not been by the site for awhile don't leave without checking on down the log on this page... lots of important and interesting information on New Challenge Coins, the last of the Reunion 2003 Collectors Poster, John Lamerson's Book Offer and much more.
Updated Reunion 2004 information in the mail on it's way here and to you soon!
Keep those eyeballs peeled.
(we don't mean for you to really peel your eye... aaaah, you know what we mean.)
What's that Dennis... say again Charles... ? 6th of the 14th Embroidered Hats!
Information and Pictures Soon!

Friday Afternoon - now turned night 6-27-2003
Is it hot enough for you?
It sure is here on the East Coast. The old asphalt streets are all bubbling up and I think you could smelt, forge, and cast metal on the sidewalks.
Speaking of casting metal, our good Brothers Charles Maldonado and Craig Harris have a message for us.
We want to let all 6th/14th association members know that we are going to order up a new batch of our ever popular Challenge Coin and the cutoff deadline for ordering is July 15th, 2003. We need a minimum of 100 coins to fill the order and it will take the mint about 30-60 days to produce.
Coins are $7.50 plus shipping $1.50. Please send us you Name, Address, Number of Coins you would like."
- Charlie & Craig -
This is the last chance to place an order before Reunion 2004! Don't miss this chance to get your paws on one of the most excellent Challenge Coins ever minted by any branch of the armed services.
Click Here to see the front of the coin and Click Here to see the back.
So, don't get short changed, contact Charles Maldonado or Craig Harris to get the right coin today.
Click Here
You really have to hold one of these beauties in your hand to understand just how great they are.
We guarantee that this is one coin you will never want to spend!
Very nice!
So you didn't make it to the Reunion last year and you really wanted to get one of the excellent posters commemorating the event?
Well I think I can help you out Brother. I kept 10 of them just for those who were not able to make it and now I'm releasing them. Click on over to the Reunion Poster Page and read all about it.
Stop The Presses Brother!
The Lamerson Publishing website has packed up and moved...
and to celebrate the occasion, our very own John Lamerson has an unbelievable offer for everyone that is just way to good to miss or pass up.
So before you do anything else click here and see what John has in store for us!
I hope your family gave you the button that reads, "It's Father Day, I can do what I want." and you were wise enough to chose to spend the day with them.
You did? Good.
Whether your at the cabin by the lake, the huge tent at your favorite spot in the woods, or right there cosy at home... you can sleep inside tonight because you chose wisely.
Everybody who did not... get out the flea powder,
you may be king of the castle but your sleeping with the dog tonight.
Happy Father's Day to all you Dads!

Saturday Evening 5-31-2003
Couldn't let the month end without a little update.
I offer a letter to all of you about an experience I had Friday evening. I can't explain it really, perhaps you will understand, I certainly hope you do. Accept it as a personal thanks for all that you have given to the people of the world.
Stop by the Stories Page and read "Thanks for coming home... - from Patrick"

Thursday 5-29-2003
Bob Hope dances with Ann-Margret at a show on December 22, 1968, at the Long Binh Army post in Vietnam.
A crowd of over 30,000 was on hand for the performance.
Michael Kopp ©Stars and Stripes
Bob Hope is 100 Years Old Today!
Swing It Bob!(Click on image above for more photos of Bob throughout the years with our troops.)
The stars will be out to honor Bob Hope on his 100th birthday Thursday, but perhaps no other group holds him as dear as the nation's veterans.
From World War II to Desert Storm, Hope flew into battle zones to entertain the troops. He remains the only American civilian to be named an honorary veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces. The military newspaper Stars and Stripes' Web site features memories from troops about Hope snubbing the military brass to mingle with the regular guys. Veterans' groups in Maine and Florida are among those sending birthday wishes to the comic.
His wife and some of his children will slip out for a short time, heading to the famous corner of Hollywood and Vine. They'll be there as it's named Bob Hope Square. There's also a party at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library north of Los Angeles.
Hope is no longer able to communicate and will not be appearing at many of the numerous birthday celebrations in his honor.
The legendary showman will be celebrating his birthday at his Burbank, Calif., home in the company of his wife Delores and family and friends, according to his daughter. In an interview with The Associated Press, Linda Hope said because her father is frail, the birthday party will be coming to him. She told AP that her father has "days when he is good and is on top of things very much like the dad that I remember," and others where "you never really quite know what kind of day it's going to be."
"We are certainly all grateful for the times he is able to respond and be a part of what is going on," she said.
Linda Hope also said that her dad has maintained his sense of humor. She said that her dad "doesn't really tell jokes anymore," but, "loves to hear a good joke."
"Friends come and tell him latest jokes," she told AP. "His face lights up. He still has that. Somebody will say something and then he'll say something that makes it into a joke. It's very much a part of him."
She said the centerpiece of the birthday celebration will be a huge cake that will be able to hold all 100 of Bob Hope's birthday candles.
The entertainer was born Leslie Townes Hope in Eltham, England, on May 29, 1903. His family emigrated to America and 1907, and settled in Cleveland.
His career in entertainment began in the 1920's on the vaudeville stage, and made his film debut in 1938 with "The First Big Broadcast of 1938." He starred in the first of a successful string of "Road to" films with Bing Crosby in 1940 with "Road to Singapore."
Bob Hope married his wife, Delores Reade, in 1944, and they adopted four children: Linda, Anthony, William Kelly and Honora.
Celebrations of Bob Hope's 100th birthday have actually been taking place all year long. Among the most notable were a salute at the Super Bowl in February, and a rededication of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last month.
And just last week, talk show luminary Dick Cavett hosted a pre-birthday celebration for Bob Hope at the same building in Washington where the Library of Congress is displaying an exhibit about the entertainer's storied life and career.
More events are scheduled to take place on Hope's birthday Thursday all across the country. The city of Los Angeles is hosting an event at Hollywood Blvd. and Vine Street which will be named Bob Hope Square. A bridge that his father helped build in Cleveland, where Hope grew up, will be re-dedicated in his honor.
The birthday celebrations are also taking place on the Web, too. The Web site for the United Service Organization congratulates Hope on its home page front and center.
According to the site, Bob Hope did 60 USO tours to entertain United States servicemen and servicewomen over six decades.
His first USO performance was for service members at March Field, Calif., on May 6, 1941, and his last came in December 1990, where he brought Christmas cheer to the troops during Operation Desert Shield in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.
Because of his years of service with the USO, Bob Hope is the only civilian who has been named an honorary veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Happy Birthday Bob, you da man!

Sunday "Mother's Day" 5-11-2003
The worlds tiniest Redleg whispered in my ear... "Wienerschnitzel"

Friday 5-2-2003
He comes up for air...
Yep, after being submerged beneath thousands of fathoms of work,
I have been able to swim my way to the surface for a few moments of life giving and refreshing camaraderie.
I have missed all of you, how have all our Warbonnets been doing?
I want to sit down with all of you and talk about the war with the Iraqi regime, find out your opinions. During it all I would hear from Dennis Proulx, Rex Weaver, Walt Smith. Craig Harris, and Bob Lund and that was absolutely great. I would like to speak with all of you but I guess that will have to wait until the 6/14 Reunion 2004.
Reunion 2004!
That reminds me...
Our ever involved Brothers Charles Maldonado and Roy Huff have been reconnoitering the New Orleans area and found it to be over run with hostile hotel owners and restauranteurs who want to loot our bank accounts. Though not wanting to disappoint anyone, the reality of it all has set in and Charles left a message on the Arty Forum to tell us about it.
Here's what Charles has to say:
Attn: Fellow Warbonnets
I would like to let you know that the Reunion for 2004 will not be held in New Orleans, due to hotel prices and location in New Orleans. Instead, Reunion "2004" will be held again in San Antonio Texas on 10th-13th of June 2004. If you are interested in the Reunion, please email me or call me.
Charles Maldonado
Phone No: 210-681-0132
If you have any questions please email me or call me.
That's all I have time for today but I will get back with all of you ASAP.
Later Brother...

Sunday 2-16-2003
I received an unfortunate email from Bill Holmes, you may have also, it reads as follows:
Fellow 6/14 Veterans,
It is my sad duty to inform you that Weemo Wubbena recently died.
Weemo was the Commanding Officer of the 6/14 from mid 1967 to mid 1968. I had the privilege of serving with him.
Bill Holmes
Here is the latest information.
A memorial service will be held 5 Mar 2003 at 11:00 AM at Ft. Myer's Old Chapel. The service will be followed by a reception at Spats Hall.
Donation in lieu of flowers if desired, to:
USMA 1953 Class Fund, USMA, West Point NY 10996
Montgomery Hospice, Casey House, 6001 Muncaster Mill Rd, Rockville MD 20855
Directions to Ft. Myer
Fort Myer, Virginia, is located across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., adjacent to Arlington National Cemetery. Fort Myer has three gates:
(1) Hatfield Gate on Washington Blvd. at South 2nd Street -- Main gate, open at all times;
(2) Wright Gate on Marshall Dr. at Meade St. just off Rte 110 -- Open 5 a.m. to midnight;
(3) Henry Gate on Arlington Blvd. (U.S. Rt. 50) at North Pershing Dr. -- Closed indefinitely for security reasons, except as needed to expedite traffic flow on special occasions
FROM THE SOUTH ON INTERSTATE 95: Inside the Capital Beltway, 1-95 becomes 1-395. Proceed north toward Washington. Take Exit 8A (7 miles inside the Beltway), marked "Washington Blvd., Route 27." Bear left on the ramp, following the signs. Exit Washington Blvd. to the right at the exit marked "Fort Myer Only." Go through gate at top of exit ramp and take second left turn onto McNair Rd. Brucker Hall is the last building on the left before the stop sign.
FROM THE WEST ON INTERSTATE 66: Proceed on 1-66 inside the Capital Beltway. Take exit 26 (7 miles inside the Beltway) marked "Route 110 South, Pentagon, Alexandria." Pass the Iwo Jima Memorial on your right, then immediately turn right onto Marshall Drive and continue 3/4 miles to Fort Myer gate.
FROM THE NORTH ON THE CAPITAL BELTWAY (I-495) Immediately after crossing the American Legion Bridge into Virginia, exit to the right onto the George Washington Memorial Parkway, Exit 14B. Continue to the Exit for Route 50 West which will be just past the exit for the Key Bridge. Proceed west in the right lane to a ramp for Ft. Myer Drive/Meade Street. Make a left turn, pass by the Iwo Jima Memorial on your left, proceed to the stop sign and turn right into Ft. Myer.
FROM D.C.: Take 1-395 out of the city and into Virginia. Pass the Pentagon and take Exit 8 for Washington Blvd. Proceed on Washington Blvd and take exit marked "Fort Myer Only" on the right.

I wrote back to Bill and said:
News such as this is always unwelcome but alas, inevitable. I never had the pleasure of getting to meet Weemo but from all that I have heard about him and getting to know all of you wonderful men of the 6/14 I have no question of his character, loyalties, and open friendship to all he knew and those that were fortunate enough to have had him grace their lives. My deepest condolences to you at this loss.
Once again as an 'outsider' (though after meeting all of you I feel less so) but as someone who has through circumstance become a loyal, loving, and lasting friend to you all, I wonder what I can do? I turn once again to the 6/14 website and do what little I can.
I have started a series of pages for our friends who have passed both during the Vietnam era and after. I don't know how to refer to these pages so until something else comes to mind or 'someone' makes a clear and appropriate suggestion I will refer to them as 'Taps'.
Taps will have the names of our lost but never forgotten friends. Each name will be linked to a 'Remembrance Page' for that comrade. This page will be comprised of a memorial photo and followed by remembrances, comments, eulogies, and epitaphs even photographs sent to the website administrator (me).
The loss of Weemo has started this needed addition to the site so he will be the first to hold an honored place.
I have just about finished all the necessary work on the site. Is there anything you would like to say/include on his remembrance page? I have already included the messages from Tom Verdel and Sherman Loy and look forward to other members of the 6/14 sending in their remembrances if they are so inclined.
Once again... I extend my sympathies to you and Patty. If you have the chance please send Weemo's wife, Marie and the rest of his family, my condolences and that I offer to them this page in his honor.
Sincerely and fraternally,
So that pretty much explains the latest update. As time passes I will add other names as they are presented to the Taps page and their associated Remembrance pages. If there is someone that you would like added to these pages please contact me with all pertinent information, i.e. date of birth, unit, time served, battery, familiy members.and of course your comments. Also if you find a comrade's name on the Taps page and you would like to add a personal comment, eulogy, photograph, or a remembrance of your own, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Look along the left hand navigation bar for the Taps page avatar and take some time to visit this new and long awaited addition to your website.
If you have any suggestions or if you think of some ways to improve this important section please let me know.

I have received some excelent stories from Bob Lund, Bill Hilton, and David Cotlow too.
I have just about finished marking them up so you can read them soon..
Remember guys, it doesn't matter how long or short your story is... we want to read it.
So click over to the Stories Page and find out how to get it to me.
Later Brother...

Saturday 2-1-2003
"Man looks aloft, and with erected eyes beholds his hereditary skies."
- Ovid -
The world watches mans progress to the stars. It has never, nor will it ever, be easy. Our condolences to the families and friends of the noble crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia. They gave their lives in the great exploration and search for truth and understanding of the human adventure. They are mourned by their nations; they are mourned by the people of the world. They are explorers for all humankind and bring us together as one; binding more tightly the brotherhood of all people. Tens of thousands of years ago we looked up into the heavens and named our epic, mythical heroes in the stars. Today we do much the same but the epic heroes are flesh and blood... our friends.
Sunday 1-5-2003
It's a whole new year!
(which is far better than a "hole" new year or a half new year)
I wanted to publish an update on December 3rd as that marked the anniversary of the day
6/14 Arty first hit the internet. Yep, one year ago on Dec. 3rd the first page of this website was streaming across America and around the world, and around the world it has been. During our first year we have had visitors from every continent on this planet except Antarctica and most every country I can think of even some, I must admit, I have never heard of.
(Anyone have any friends or family working in Jan Mayen or on any offshore rigs or military vessels?)
When the site first started it was one page long with a little information about the site and it's plans and hopes for the future and ten photographs... it has come a long way, not as far as I would like, but I think that it's a good start.
So Happy Anniversary to the 6/14 Arty Website
(Yea, we're even late on congratulating ourselves!)

A grateful note of thanks goes out to brother Bob Lund for his gracious gift and contribution to the 6/14 Arty Website Fund. I thank him for his support along with brothers Bill (Dickson) Hilton and Dennis Proulx and all of you who have contributed your time and materials for the website.
Your support assures this project to continue for many years to come...
Thanks again guys.

Speaking of Bill Hilton, while I have you on the line let me direct you to a new addition to the Stories Page sent to us from brother Hilton. Bill's not catting around or pulling any punches in this delightful tale of his first acquaintances in Plei Djereng. So scurry on over to the Stories Page and read:
Plei Djereng Rats
It will bring back some fond memories of life in a bunker.

That's all for now guys but I will be back very soon... and I really do appreciate all your help over the past year. This site is about you, for you, and made possible through your help.
"My one brother went over... but a hundred came back." - Patrick

Monday Night 11-11-02
Remembering Veteran's Day
Nov. 11th is, as all of you are aware, Veteran's Day: a day set aside to remember those that fought, struggled, and died to protect and maintain the freedoms so often taken for granted.
It is with the greatest respect I do my part to honor the men and women all throughout the history of this great nation that have fought and given their lives to secure our place on this planet. The opportunities we have, the freedoms we enjoy, even the freedom to disagree with the systems and ideas that keep our nation and it's people free, we have our Veterans to thank.
Thanks from the 6/14 Arty to you all.

As all of you Red Legs know after Vietnam the 6/14 moved on to Germany until it was inactivated in 1988. During those years the men of the 6/14 were still adding feathers to the unit's Warbonnet.
I have heard from many of the brothers who served in Germany over the past year and now one of them has stepped forward to log a moment in the history of this distinguished unit.
The story is written by Mike Robinson, a 1st. Lt. at the time, and it documents the events surrounding the terrorist bombing of the Labelle Disco in Berlin, Germany April 1985. Mike has penned an excellent story based on his personal observations and experiences and in the light of current national and world affairs becomes all the more pertinent and quite moving.
So without hesitation, fall in and march on over to the
Stories Page to read
Mike's thorough accounting of
A Disco Called Labelle
To find out a little more about the man, click over to one of his websites
and read about
Coach Mike "Crusoe" Robinson

Sunday Night 10-20-02
Al Dingman is on a roll and sent us another story. He actually sent it about three weeks ago but I am just now getting it up on the site. He is also working on another one and he will send it along later.
Drop by the
Stories Page for Al's vivid telling of
"The Ambush at Kontum"
When you finish reading it and some distant memories of you own come in to the light, write them down while they are fresh in your mind and send them over to us so we can share.

All of us are constantly reconnoitering the web for new sites and somehow
this one started by Mike Ettore and Doug Rich just slipped by us.
Well, we've fixed that.
Check in the Link Page for it's well worth a visit.
Oh, while your over at check out their Link Page in the Vietnam Section
There are at this time only four links to other sites they deem worthy and guess 'who' one of those sites is... you guessed it The 6/14 Arty! As CombatLeadership creator Doug Rich said to me:
How could I turn down... the "King of Battle"?
Semper Fi !
- Doug -
Thank you Doug, you make these Redlegs proud.

Dennis Proulx sent in a regiment of links for me to check out and after I do I'll post the best-of-em'.
Thanks again Dennis

Wednesday 10-16-02
I would like to take a moment to thank Bill (Dickson) Hilton and Dennis Proulx for their generous contributions to the 6/14 Website fund... you guys are the greatest.

I don't know about the rest of you guys but I have been keeping my nose to the grind stone so much it's just about ground off. I heard from our brother Larry Timberlake and he said he has been at it pretty hard and has honed a little off his nose too.
(Did you say nose Larry or was that something about your...?)
"Great Guns John thanks for the annex to your book!"
Yep, a full salute to brother John Lamerson who has been no slouch either.
The keys on his typewriter must be pretty worn down as he has relayed to me
the annex addition to his already excellent book,
The Phantom of Ben Het
There is some very interesting information contained in the annex and... well heck, John says it best:
"I have completed my final research in relation to subjects
included or excluded in my book. I have, based on this critical research,
written a 14 page annex to the book. The annex includes exerts from the
history of the NVA 202nd Armored Regiment ( the NVA by 1969, had 410 Tanks in
that regiment. plus armored personnel carriers and twin 57mm antiaircraft
weapons, full tracked. They had 300 of the PT 76 tanks, 50 T-34's and 60 T
54's.) The next important research done was the discovery on the internet of
a full after action report reference the 4th Inf. Division Operation Wayne
Grey. This operation took place in the Plei Trap Valley just southeast of
Ben het during March and April 1969. What is so important is that the enemy
force was the 66th NVA Inf. Regt., the 24th Inf. regt. and the 40th NVA Arty.
Regt. This confirms the known presence of much of the enemy force, long
before the siege of Ben Het. In my annex, I analyze the importance of the
NVA presence in that location as it relates to the overall NVA battle plans
for their Spring /Summer Offensive 1969. Next I write a completely new
report on 6/14 member Craig Harris.. And, Finally I update the information
and give the history of the USAF "Daisy Cutter" bomb system."
- John D. Lamerson -
John also mentioned the 1st Cavalry Association Reunion he attended:
"I am a member of the
local 1st Cavalry Division Assn. I helped them at their annual reunion held
here in the Springs in July. I met and had the following sign my copy of We
Were Soldiers Once and Young. LT. General Hal Moore, Joe Galloway who
wrote (Thanks John, for writing the story of Ben Het). also US Army Ret CSM
Warren Adams who was a first Sgt at LZ-Exray, D/1/7th. I gave all three of
them copies of my book which I autographed. Too, I gave one to another 1st
Cav. major Gen. Ret. Juno who said he liked the book and told me great job!.
Well, that does not get my book sold, but, it is uplifting."
"It sure is John and thanks for the update."
If you are not familiar with this moment in history or John's excellent book
click on over to John's Website and order a copy today!
John said it would be all right for the 6/14 Arty to publish excerpts of the annex
so when time permits I will do just that. In order for the information
to make the most sense you should be familiar with the siege of Ben Het.
Your not ?
Well then waste no time in becoming informed about this moment in history.
Drop by John's Website for information on the most authoritative and definitive text on the battle at Ben Het!

"Hot off the presses from our brother Rex Weaver"
I received an email today from Rex that reads:
Now is the time to pray for reasonable accommodations on both sides.
European Stars and Stripes
October 14, 2002
V Corps Confirms Mideast Orders
By Jon R. Anderson, Stars and Stripes
PRIZREN, Kosovo - The Pentagon has ordered the Army's top war fighting command in Europe to the Middle East, the first U.S. Army Europe unit to deploy as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, officials confirmed Sunday.
"Elements of V Corps headquarters have received a deployment order to deploy to U.S. Central Command area of responsibility," said Lt. Col. Joe Richard, V Corps spokesman in a telephone interview.
Central Command oversees all military operations throughout most of the Middle East and has primary responsibility for war planning against Iraq.
The Washington Post reported Sunday that V Corps - along with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force would deploy to Kuwait to begin detailed planning for a possible ground invasion of Iraq.
Richard said about 300 troops from the Corps' 600-strong headquarters will deploy "within the next 60 days." Meanwhile, the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) is wrapping up exercises in the Balkans in preparation for deployment to the Middle East as well.
Most of the MEU's 2,200 Marines have been ashore in Kosovo for the past month, testing NATO's ability to rapidly reinforce the region should still-simmering ethnic tensions boil over into renewed violence.
The MEU commander, Col. Richard Mills, said his Marines are scheduled to replace the 11th MEU now in the Gulf. Mills said he was dispatching advance teams to CENTCOM within the next
few days as his troops begin returning to the Navy's three-ship USS Nassau Amphibious Ready Group, now waiting in Greece.
As it gets under way, the MEU will head south through the Suez Canal and fall under CENTCOM command by the end of the month, officials said.
"My focus right now is keeping the Marines sharp," said Mills, "keeping them ready." That's been the focus at V Corps, as well. The Corps is wrapping up a series of live-fire exercises in Poland called
Victory Strike III. "We've been training hard," said Richard. "Obviously, we understand the significance of the events that are evolving. We've been a nation at war since 9/11, and the soldiers understand that."
Led by Lt. Gen. William Wallace, the Heidelberg, Germany-based V Corps oversees about 42,000 troops in Europe, including the 1st Infantry Division and 1st Armored Division. The 1st I.D. is leading U.S. peacekeeping efforts in Kosovo. Brig. Gen. Douglas Lute said Friday that a rotation of the division's two brigades is continuing as scheduled in the coming weeks.
Soldiers from the outgoing 2nd Brigade - who will complete a six month tour of duty in Kosovo next month - have been told to prepare for a rapid rehoning of combat skills upon their return to Germany.
"The division commander is telling us to be prepared for a shorter reintegration period," wrote U.S. contingent Command Sergeant Maj. Ralph Beam in a recent memo to troops. "The question is not if the call to action will come...
but when it will come."
Which brings us to today's question that can be found in the 6/14 Arty Forum...
"Should the United States take military action in Iraq?"
How do you feel about it, what do you think?
Drop by the forum and give us your opinions, insights, and observations.

Friday 8-16-02
"You have got to be kidding... Patrick is still alive !?"
Yep, and well too. It is amazing how much work can back up when one takes two weeks off from work. You would think that if you got everything done that was due and then took the time to get things done that where not due for a week and then you took two weeks off upon your return you would only be a week behind. Then if you just worked the normal schedule of eighteen hour days that one keeps in the entertainment industry you would be all caught up in three days...
Upon my return I found myself a month behind !!!
Imagine if you will over in a small corner of the studio Patrick can be seen only for brief moments when he stops to eat or sleep, not much of either mind you, otherwise he is invisible.
But over the last week there have been longer and longer moments where I could be seen and where I could also see the world around me. If you had dropped by the
Forum you may have read a short note I posted about all this along with a photo from the Reunion 2002. I will address the Reunion later.

If you have not been by the Forum for a while you should drop in and read some of the posts. there are some members of the 6/14 that have showed up there that have not been on The List before and they have requested inclusion, some are searching for some friends, others have contacted me through the website. They are:
Paul DeBerry '67-'68
Richard Metcalf '65-'66, '68-'69
Larry Myres '66-'67
Dick Worthy '66-'68
Some from the 6/14 while in Germany:
D. R. Hamilton '78-'86
(Current Honorary Regimental Sergeant Major for the 14th FA Regiment)
Dave Brady '79-'81
The following I don't have contact info for at this time:
Lloyd Edens
Cougar Krider
If your name and contact information is not on the list right now guys, it will be later this weekend.
"Stop the presses!"
What a great surprise it was when on Wednesday I received and email from Alan "Al" Dingman with nothing less than a remembrance of his first day at Camp Holloway in '68. Not only did he share this with me but he scribed his memory down, in digital ink, as a story to share with you too.
So let your mouse do the walking and click on over to the
Stories Page to read Al's excellent
" you the new guy?" accounting in
"Welcome to Pleiku"
After you read it, return the favor to Al, and Frank too, with a story of your own.
No memory is to long, no story is to short. Share with us.
- Reunion 2002 -
I have spent most of my life drawing, painting, and sculpting; well over forty years. There is not a thought or a feeling or a vision that I cannot translate through one of these forms of expression except one... my wonderful wife Jennifer. I have tried for more than fourteen years to capture her features in sculpture, catch a passing coy smile in a drawing, or convey my honest feelings in a poem, but they are all empty vessels in the well of truth.
Now I have found another part in my life that falls inexpressible in this well.
It is the time I shared with all the wonderful men and women at the reunion of the 6/14.
There were hugs and handshakes, joy, surprises, and laughter. Pictures shared and stories told
that brought joy and tears to all that attended. Great food and camaraderie shared with meals.
Not to mention the hotel staff having to boot us out of our hospitality meeting room at 11:00 pm
every night which just moved us and the stories to the parking lot until way after midnight.
Speaking for myself, there is a special place in my life and heart where all of you forever rest.
Gently but vivid.
Not a day will pass that I will not think of each and every one of you.
Wife Jennifer, mother Jill, father Tom Sr., sister Jude, and 'brother Tom' and I thank you.
It will take a little while longer to get the excellent photos from the reunion up on the site
but be patient... they are just around the corner.

BTW, can you say... Nu'aulins ?
Later Brothers.
Monday 6-10-02
"The mysterious and missing Patrick is back home!"
That's right guys, I'm back but not for long because I'm packing my bags and heading for San Antonio.
Man, did June get here fast or what? It seems like just yesterday I was talking to Charles and Roy about getting this excellent reunion together and now it's here.
- WOO HOO Road Trip! -
I have lots of friends and family in Texas that I rarely get to see, so after the much anticipated Reunion this week I wanted to head to the Fort Worth/Dallas area and hook up with them. With that in mind I have decided to drive to 'San Antone'. So in goes my luggage, a cooler, and the Reunion Posters...
POSTERS! Yeah brother, and they look great. They changed just a little bit, nothing major, just removed the website and contact address at the bottom and added some room for signatures just in case anyone wants all those that show up to sign theirs.
I know I do!
As I said in an earlier update (Feb. 19th) be prepared because Larry Timberlake has had the printing presses running overtime and he is going to treat us to some very cool swag.
"My lips are sealed Larry."

Sorry that things have been so quiet here at the site but work just would not allow me any time to get over here and sweep out the cob webs and put up more of the great material that all you cats have sent me, and there is a bunker full of it. New photos, newspaper articles, Walt Smith's trip to Fort Sill, website links, info, and more. When I get back from the Reunion there will be even more.
Here's a note about the Reunion from our very own Roy Huff:
Hello War Bonnets of the 6th of the 14th Arty:
It is almost time for our reunion, but it is not too late if you want to come.
At this point, though, if there is a chance you can come, it might be best to call either Charles Maldonado at 210-681-0132 or me, Roy Huff, at 210-637-6161,
so we can make the arrangements here and help you get here and to the right places.
What prompted this is an email from David Cotlow who was with Bravo in Ben Het most of the time during his 69-70 tour, whose letter I just finished reading. He is going to try to get here, and we'd sure like to help any of you who might want to do it too, even if only for Saturday night, for example.
Hope you can make it. We are up to 50 people, but there is always room for more.
Roy Huff
That's all for now, see you Redlegs in Texas!

Tuesday 3-19-02
"The 6/14 Arty Photo Album just passed the 100 photos mark!"
With the addition of some fine "Kodak Moments" brought to us by Barney Rouse who was mostly
with FDC at Dak To, Pleiku, FSB Mary Lou, and other locations it in fact didn't just pass it, it went quite a bit passed it; 131 to be exact spread out over 5 pages. Send off a marker round for the occasion.
Drop on by the Pictures Page for Barney's view of C Btry 6/14 in 68'-69'
Reunion News
Roy Huff and Charles Maldonado are hard at work on the upcoming rally of the forces. If you are planning to attend don't forget to return the registration form that they sent out.
If you didn't receive one, don't wait another moment, get in touch with Roy Huff today!
He will be sending out another batch of them very soon, make sure your on his list.
After carefull consideration about the size of the Reunion Poster I have determined that a slight change in size will be benifitial. The new size is 18"x24". This will allow it to fit with greater ease on
just about any wall space without taking up the entire wall and it looks better at this size too.
The best price we could get on an order of 50 is $15.00 per print and this is using fine grade paper and pigmented inks too. Put it in a frame and this gallery piece will out last me for sure,
and I plan to be around for another fifty years... :)
To give you an idea as to what a good deal this is, most printers wanted $25.00 to $35.00 per print
plus a $50.00 proofing charge... we are styling!
So if you want to have some for you very own don't forget to get in touch with Charles to tell him how many you would like. Your not obligated to buy them we just need to know how many are interested.
On another note...
Walt Smith took a visit to Fort Sill where he was greeted and given the grand tour by CPT Brian Gerber,
the current Battalion Adjutant for the 1/14 Field Artillery. Walt said he was treated like royalty by
CPT Gerber and was informed of all the latest news about the 1/14th. He was also shown the
"Genuine War Bonnet" that is kept there. Walt took lots of photos and as soon as he
gets a chance he will share allot of what he learned and the photos with us here.
I received a bit of correspondence from CPT Gerber on Walt's trip. I share it with you here:
My name is CPT Brian Gerber, the Battalion Adjutant of the only Flagged 14th
Field Artillery unit, 1-14th FA, Fort Sill Oklahoma. Had the distinct
opportunity to share a visit with Mr. Walt Smith, who came down for the
morning. I got him spun up on current 1-14th FA information and he in turn
gave me some great information on 6-14th FA. I enjoy the Web Site and the
hard work you put in to stay connected with your storied history.
Keep up the great work!
Brian Gerber
We certainly will Captain. And we of the 6/14 thank you for your time and the generous hospitality
you showed one of our own, Walt Smith.
When you get a chance drop on over to the 6/14 Forum and read what our very own Joseph Di Pardo
speaks of in his post "Catecka tea plantation". He talks about a book titled:
"Pleiku, The Dawn of Helicopter Warfare in Vietnam" by J.D. Coleman. There is mention of B Btry 6/14th at the Catecka tea plantation and the attack on the plantation.
But we won't waste your time telling you all the interesting info. just click on over to The Forum and read it for yourself.
Well brothers, that pretty much wraps it up for this Tuesday. There is another ton of photos in the works and we will load them up as soon as we can.
I want to thank everyone for your continued participation in this great project and your letters and email expressing your support and appreciation, it makes it all the more rewarding.
Thanks guys,
Brother Patrick
Tuesday 2-19-02
"Hi Brother, are you coming to the Reunion?"
If you are don't forget to let Charles Maldonado know that you will be front and center in San Antonio this June. If you are not up to date on the Reunion, stop by the News Page for the details.
I am so looking forward to seeing everyone that can attend, listening to all the stories and carrying home in my heart and mind all the indelible memories. It would be so great if there where some items to carry back home with me as keepsakes, mementos of this fine event.
Well don't forget to bring a box with you because there will be lots of Reunion Swag to take home.
Commemorative Napkins, Computer Mouse Pads, and daily door prizes for some lucky winners
and the Reunion 2002 Poster, so come prepared to hump it all home.
"Hey, wait a minute, what Reunion Poster?"
Sorry, had we not mentioned it before? Yeah it seems that Patrick made up an image
that he plans to have printed as a 22"x30" poster to commemorate the upcoming Reunion 2002.
But he needs to know how many people would like to have one so he can get a price on the printing.
If you care to find out more about it
or you just want to take a peek, click on the poster image below.

On another note, Patrick has been doing a little bug smashing along with adding a few new
sites to visit over in the Links section.
He has also received lots of new photos from Craig Harris, Dennis Proulx, Charles Maldonado,
and a fine album of news clippings, photos, and others items from Ken Bailey.
So keep a sharp eye for these great additions appearing at intervals in the next couple of weeks.
Tuesday 2-5-02 Update
"Just a quick note about an e-mail from Roy Huff"
Drop by the News Page and read the e-mail about the reunion from Roy Huff,
read it to make sure you received it.
If you didn't, contact Roy and let him know.
Saturday 1-26-02 Update
"Where in the Hell is Patrick?"
"Didn't he say that he was going to update the Picture section 'after while' ?"
Yes I did say that, but I had no idea that the 'after while' would be that much after.
I'm not going to give any excuses but I will sum it up in three words:
work, work, work... nuff said, let's get down to the update.
Pictures... yeah brother, two more pages of them.
One page of great pics of Paul Wilcox who was driving around Nam from Aug. '66 to Aug. '67
and another packed page from Earle Smith who was all over the place from Oct. 67 to Oct. 68
and as always they are excellent. Bug on over to the Picture page it's just one click down the road.
Look at the bottom of each page for the Album navigation bar to get to all four pages.
And not to be overlooked, the first story received makes it's appearance on the Stories Page.
Stop by and read "A Dak Seang Story" by Frank DeLong then after reading it type up yours
short or long it doesn't matter and send it in.
Thursday 1-17-02 Update
"Wow, when the fit hits the shan the fit get busy"
(...or is it, the shan get busy?)
We have been slammed with work related business for two weeks and the site has had to
just sit here gathering dust. But we are back at it, dusting off the pages, smashing a few bugs,
and getting some new stuff up.
We have added some links on the Links Page and we will be updating the Pictures section after while.
But we did want to go ahead add links in the Military, News, Interests, and Mac areas
and give you the latest from Roy Huff on....
- Reunion 2002 Update Information -
Yea brother, we are heading south for a little R & R.
Click on over to the
News Page for the time and place for the 2002 6/14 Reunion
(I'm looking forward to it and am quite excited at the prospect of meeting those who attend.)
Plan to come and see everyone.
(That goes for you too Dale Hensley, where ever you are...? Anybody know where he is?)
Thurs. 01-03-02 Update
Once again Patrick's been rooting around the site smashing bugs and hanging some new doors.
"New Doors?" yeah, yeah door... a new door... an entrance, gateway... a new page.
Look over in the left hand navigation bar and you will see "Interests"
It's been there, it just was not activated until today. I have some questions for you Cats and
"The List" is there.
Give the list the once over and let us know if it needs updating or correcting.
Like, later man... Patrick
Tues. 01-01-02 New Years Update
"A tweak here and tweak there and page two of the Pictures appears."
Yes indeed we did a little fixing here and there. Charles Maldonado's e-mail address on the Contacts Page has been updated and we added a
second page of photographs. All of these
moments in history have been shared with us by
Robert Lund. Known by his friends as Bob, so we should all call him Bob, arrived in Vietnam by way of the Gordon with B Battery 6/14 in Oct. 1965.
While he was a very busy man during his tour, he still managed to expose some film and a lot of interesting pics where the results. Drop by page two of the picture Album for a taste of early Nam.
Tues. 12-25-01 Christmas Day Update
Not much to say or report except...
you will find something new on every page...
well, not every page, the History page has not changed but everything else has.
New Contact info, News, Pictures, Swag info, etc. Hey, while your roaming around the site stop by the Forum and leave a note for some of the new comers. Even if you don't know them they are comrade in arms with you. Tell them hello, tell them thanks, tell them who 'you' are, I bet they would like to hear from you.
Hope all of you are having a good holiday, Merry Christmas and I'll get back with you before New Year's Eve. Say, why don't you all check in at the Forum on New Year's so we can get in touch with each other, leave your e-mail address if you haven't already. If nothing else you will hear from my ugly mug... now there's an incentive.
Update for Tuesday 12-11-01
"Hey, did you notice we have a Forum?"
Yeah just look over in the site navigation column on the left and "
Thar she be, The 6/14 Forum"
Drop on by and let us know what's on you mind, we're open 24/7.
If you would like to read any updates to the Homepage from
September 9, 2005 going back to September 5, 2004
just hop on over to the:
- The 6/14 Arty Homepage Archives 9/9/2005 - 9/5/2004 -